2022-2023 Greenfield Central Co-Ed Elementary Wrestling
Season Information
All boys and girls grades K-6th are welcome! We recommend you pre-register using the information below.
PARENT MEETING & Practice #1 will be Monday, November 6th from 6-7:30 p.m. in the high school wrestling room.
The cost is $150 for the season due at sign-up and includes a shirt, shorts, singlet, and USA Wrestling membership.
Elementary wrestling season runs from November 6th through January with practices Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm.
A calendar with practices and competitions will be provided at the parent meeting.
Questions? Email Coach Holden at or Coach Tomey at
Team Registration
Fill in the Greenfield Central Little Cougars Co-Ed Wrestling Registration
form to register your wrestler(s) for the 2023-2024 season.
Payments may be Cash, Venmo, or by using the form below.
Venmo: @Greenfield-Wrestling-Club
1. 11/21/18 Pendleton Heights DUAL
2. 11/29/18 Franklin Central DUAL
3. 12/2/18 @Taylorsville Invitational
4. 12/5/18 vs. @Warren Central DUAL
5. 12/9/18 @Warren Central Invitational
6.12/13/2018 vs @Roncalli DUAL
7. 12/16/18 New Palestine Dragon Invitational
8. 12/30/18 Whiteland Warrior Rumble
9. 1/6/19 IWL Elementary State Finals
10. 1/13/19 Indiana Wrestling League Championships
11. Beech Grove - Cancelled
12. 1/20/19 Brownsburg Folkstyle Open
13. 1/20/19 Dragon Beginner Open
14. 1/27/19 Columbus East Folkstyle Open
15. 1/27/19 HSE Beginner Open
15. 2/3/19 Fishers Folkstyle Open
16. 2/17/19 Southmont Folkstyle Open
17. 2/23/19 Avon Beginner Open
18. 2/24/19 Dragon Folkstyle Farewell
19. 3/3/ Perry Meridian TS Open
20. 3/8-10/18 Folkstyle State Finals, Warren Central HS
Freestyle and Greco-Roman
1. 4/6/19 Perry Meridian Freestyle
2. 4/13-14 Warren Central Freestyle Open
3. 4/17/19 Warren Central Freestyle Night
4. 4/26-28/19 Grizzly Ironman
4. 5/3-5/18 Freestyle State Finals AVON