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2022-2023 Greenfield Central Co-Ed Elementary Wrestling

Season Information

All boys and girls grades K-6th are welcome! We recommend you pre-register using the information below.


PARENT MEETING & Practice #1 will be Monday, November 6th from 6-7:30 p.m. in the high school wrestling room.


The cost is $150 for the season due at sign-up and includes a shirt, shorts, singlet, and USA Wrestling membership.


Elementary wrestling season runs from November 6th through January with practices Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm.


A calendar with practices and competitions will be provided at the parent meeting.

Team Registration

Fill in the Greenfield Central Little Cougars Co-Ed Wrestling Registration

form to register your wrestler(s) for the 2023-2024 season.


Payments may be Cash, Venmo, or by using the form below.


Venmo:  @Greenfield-Wrestling-Club

Pay for Wrestling Fees Here

Billing Information

Thank you for joining us this season!


1. 11/21/18 Pendleton Heights DUAL

2. 11/29/18 Franklin Central DUAL


3. 12/2/18 @Taylorsville Invitational

4. 12/5/18 vs. @Warren Central DUAL

5. 12/9/18 @Warren Central Invitational


6.12/13/2018 vs @Roncalli DUAL

7. 12/16/18 New Palestine Dragon Invitational


8. 12/30/18 Whiteland Warrior Rumble


9. 1/6/19 IWL Elementary State Finals


10. 1/13/19 Indiana Wrestling League Championships


11.  Beech Grove - Cancelled


12. 1/20/19 Brownsburg Folkstyle Open


13. 1/20/19 Dragon Beginner Open


14. 1/27/19 Columbus East Folkstyle Open


15. 1/27/19 HSE Beginner Open


15. 2/3/19 Fishers Folkstyle Open


16. 2/17/19 Southmont Folkstyle Open


17. 2/23/19 Avon Beginner Open


18. 2/24/19 Dragon Folkstyle Farewell


19. 3/3/ Perry Meridian TS Open


20. 3/8-10/18 Folkstyle State Finals, Warren Central HS


       Freestyle and Greco-Roman 


1. 4/6/19 Perry Meridian Freestyle


2. 4/13-14 Warren Central Freestyle         Open


3. 4/17/19 Warren Central Freestyle Night


4. 4/26-28/19 Grizzly Ironman


4. 5/3-5/18 Freestyle State Finals AVON

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